Bilet mission (Eastern Tigray, Ethiopia). Fieldwork preliminary report (December 2018)
The French-Ethiopian mission of Bilet (Eastern Tigray Ethiopia), supported by the ERC project HornEast, has conducted its first fieldwork season in December 2018, including excavations and surveys.
Première campagne de fouilles à Bilet (Tigray, Éthiopie). Compte rendu de la mission de décembre 2018.
En décembre 2018, Julien Loiseau a dirigé la première mission archéologique sur le site islamique médiéval de Bilet, dans le Tigray oriental (Éthiopie). Cette campagne de trois semaines a permis de mettre au jour le cimetière de Bilet et de mieux comprendre son environnement médiéval.
Archaeological survey in Eastern Tigray (Ethiopia). Fieldwork preliminary report (March 2018)
In March 2018, Amélie Chekroun, Bertrand Hirsch and Julien Loiseau surveyed the area of Igre Hariba (Tigray, Ethiopia). This short mission made it possible to identify the exact location of Bilet, the Muslim cemetery from which a dozen of Arabic stelae have been found during the 20th Century, and to better understand its archaeological context. The mission offered also the opportunity to find new Arabic stelae from the 11th-12th Centuries.