14 Décembre: Lectures by Simon Dorso & Amélie Chekroun in Addis Abeba University

On thursday Decembre 14th, Simon Dorso and Amélie Chekroun will deliver two lectures in Addis Abeba University (see details below):

10 AM, Archaeology Department (AAU), ArcHM Lab, Addis Abeba University, Sidist Kilo Campus

Speaker: Dr. Simon Dorso, Moderator: Dr Ayele Tarekegn

Investigating Islamic Sites in Northern and Eastern Ethiopia: A Focus on Funerary Structures and Practices

2 PM, RAS MAKONNEN HALL, Addis Abeba University, Sidist Kilo Campus

Speaker: Dr. Amélie Chekroun, Organisers: The Society of Friends of the Institute of Ethiopian Studies (SOFIES) and the French Center for Ethiopian Studies (CFEE)

History and Archaeology of Islam in Medieval Ethiopia

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Simon Dorso (13 décembre 2023). 14 Décembre: Lectures by Simon Dorso & Amélie Chekroun in Addis Abeba University. Projet ERC COG HornEast. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/pp1u